Children Learning Reading

Is your child struggling to read?

Are you having difficulty teaching your child to read?

Are you spending tons of money sending your child to reading class, and yet there was no results?

Do you want your child to become a fluent reader?

If your answer is yes, here is a solution for you!

Check out the Children Learning Reading program by Jim Yang.

What is the Children Learning Reading program?

Children Learning Reading is a phonics reading program that is super simple and extremely effective. This is a system that will even teach 2 and 3 year old children to read.

Children Learning Reading is nothing like the infomercials you see on TV, showing babies appearing to read, but who have only learned to memorize a few word shapes. This is a program that will teach your child to effectively decode and read phonetically. It will give your child a big head start, and allow you to teach your child to read and help your child develop reading skills years ahead of similar aged children. 

This is not a quick fix solution where you put your child in front of the TV or computer for hours and hope that your child learns to "read"... somehow... 

This is a reading program that requires you, the parent, to be involved. But the results are absolutely amazing. Thousands of parents have used the Children Learning Reading program to successfully teach their children to read. 

All it takes is 10 to 15 minutes a day.

How does Children Learning Reading work?

There are many different methods and opinions on how to teach a child to read - while all are well-intentioned, some methods could actually lead to reading difficulties in children. Learning to read is a critical step towards future academic success and later on success in life. If you cannot read, you cannot succeed. 

Children Learning Reading uses an amazingly simple method - actually, a combination of two methods - that can teach anyone to read, even children as young as 2 and 3 years old. 

It is the combination of synthetic phonics and phonemic awareness.

Phonics is absolutely necessary to develop fluent reading skills; however, there are different types of phonics including embedded, analogy, analytical, and synthetic phonics. While using some type of phonics is better than not including any phonics instructions at all, you will achieve FAR BETTER results by employing synthetic phonics, which is by far the most easy and effective method for teaching reading. 

The Children Learning Reading program works so well that many children will achieve reading ages far ahead of their chronological age.

Who created Children Learning Reading?

This is a unique reading program developed by two amazing parents and reading teachers, Jim Yang and Elena, who successfully taught their four children to read before turning 3 years old. The reading system they developed is so effective that by the time their daughter was just 4 years 2 months old, she was already reading at a grade 3 level. They have also helped thousands of parents to successfully teach their children to read as well! Some are small 2 or 3 year old toddlers, others are young 4 or 5 year old preschoolers, and still others at ages 6, 7, 8 or even older. Check out the videos at their official website.

What is inside this Children Learning Reading program?

Children Learning Reading program is a comprehensive step-by-step phonics reading program that teachers your child to read efficiently.
There are 50 step-by-steps lessons, divided into 2 stages. Stage 1 builds the foundation and teaches the basic phonics codes (i.e. A B C D E F G H I etc...). Stage 2 deals with advance learning and teaches complex phonics codes (i.e. ar sh ee ea oa ou oo etc).
This program contains all the PDF, videos and mp3 that you can easily use to teach your child to read fluently. All you need is about 10 to 15 mins a day.
You get to choose between the Standard Package or the Premium Package.
Click on the download image will bring you to the official website (Affiliate Links included)


   Standard Package (USD $69):
   Children Learning Reading - Stage 1
   Children Learning Reading - Stage 2
   Bonus #1:Lessons Stories - Stage 1
   Bonus #2:Lessons Stories - Stage 2
   Bonus #3: Letter Sound MP3 Audio Clips
   Bonus #4:The Most Common Sight Words
   Bonus #5:Children's Favorite Nursery Rhymes
   Bonus #6:Lifetime Program Upgrade
   Super Bonus #7: 12 Week One-on-One Consultations

Premium Package (USD $89):
   Children Learning Reading - Stage 1
   Children Learning Reading - Stage 2
   Bonus #1:Lessons Stories - Stage 1
   Bonus #2:Lessons Stories - Stage 2
   Bonus #3: Letter Sound MP3 Audio Clips
   Bonus #4:The Most Common Sight Words
   Bonus #5:Children's Favorite Nursery Rhymes
   Bonus #6:Lifetime Program Upgrade
   Super Bonus #7: 12 Week One-on-One Consultations
   Premium Package #1: Children Learning Reading Lessons Video & Workshops
   Premium Package #2: Pre-set Printouts for Stage 1 lesson
   Premium Package #3: Pre-set Printouts for Stage 2 lesson
   Premium Package #4: Stage 2 Rhymes

Which package should you get?

While the Standard Package contains all the information that you need to teach your child to read, I would recommend the Premium Package as it includes all printouts for the lessons. This will save you tons and tons of time to create the materials. The extra USD $20 is definitely worth the time saved and you can focus your energy on the lessons itself.

How do I purchase the program?

You can purchase the program from official Children Learning Reading website.